Minimum Basic wages in Gujarat from April 2023
The Gujarat government revised minimum basic daily wages for workers, effective from 01st April 2023, as per notification No. KHR/2023/28/LVD/10/2022/18/M2 dated 27th March 2023. The notification also provides an industry-wise classification for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor.
(1) Minimum basic daily wages are bifurcated zone-wise. There are two zones for this purpose:
Zone II: Includes all other remaining areas.
Revised minimum basic daily wages in Gujarat effective from 01st April 2023:
Sr No | Classes of Employees | Zone I | Zone II |
Rates payable per day (Rs) | |||
1 | Skilled | 474 | 462 |
2 | Semi Skilled | 462 | 452 |
3 | Unskilled | 452 | 441 |
(2) In the case of an employee employed on a piece-rate basis, the minimum rate of wages shall be fixed so that the total of the minimum wages plus special allowance for the hours constituting a normal working day shall not be less than the daily wages fixed for the class of employees to which they belong.
(3) The University Campus, Agricultural University Campus, and Cantonment Area shall pay the minimum rates of wages of the scheduled employment of the nearest Zone.
(4) Employees employed on a part-time basis shall be paid 50% of the minimum rates of wages plus special allowance if they work up to four hours. If they work more than four hours, they shall be paid the full minimum rates of wages plus special allowance.
(5) Employees employed by contractors or other agencies shall not be paid less than the wages plus special allowance payable to the category of employees to which they belong.
(6) The perquisites or facilities given to an employee shall not be withdrawn, and no deduction shall be made in respect of such perquisites or facilities after fixation of minimum rates of wages plus special allowance.
(7) Male, female, and transgender employees should be given equal wages for equal work.
(8) The minimum rates of wages payable to an apprentice employed on skilled or semi-skilled work shall be 75% of the minimum rates of wages and special allowance fixed for the class of employees to which they belong for the first three months. After three months, they shall be paid in full.
(9) The Labour and Employment Department Notification No. KHR/30-MWA-1097-833M(2) dated 23rd January 2001 is applicable to employment in any residential hotel, restaurant, or eating house covered under the Gujarat Shops and Establishments Act, 2019 for computation of cash value.
(10) In addition to above special allowances will be given by employers. The rate of special allowances will be revised periodically.
#Minimum wages in Gujarat April 2023
Attached herewith the notification for revised minimum wages in Gujarat: Click here