MCA notifies Abridged Annual Return MGT-7A for OPC and small companies

MGT-7A – Abridged Annual Return for OPCs and Small Companies from FY 2020-21

annual return small companies MGT-7A

MCA has amended Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 , vide notification G.S.R. 159(E) dated 05/03/2021. As per the amendment, among other changes, in Rule 11 , for sub-rule (1) following sub-rule shall be substituted:

“(1) Every company shall file its annual return in Form No.MGT-7 except One Person Company (OPC) and Small Company. One Person Company and Small Company shall file annual return from the financial year 2020-2021 onwards in Form No.MGT-7A”;

In the said rules for Form No.MGT-7, the following forms No.MGT-7 and MGT-7A shall be substituted, Namely:

  • FORM NO. MGT-7:Annual Return (other than OPCs and Small Companies)
  • FORM NO. MGT-7A :Abridged Annual Return for OPCs and Small Companies

Point-wise summary of the amendment is as follows:

  1. From FY 2020-2021 onwards there shall be two different form for filing annual return with ROC.
  2. Existing form MGT-7 shall be substituted with new form MGT-7
  3. Form MGT-7 : For filing annual return by Companies other than OPC and Small Companies.
  4. Form MGT-7A (Abridged AR): For filing annual return by OPC & Small Companies.
  5. MGT-7A shall be signed by director or CS if appointed. No separate professional certificate required.
  6. Filing Deadline: It must be filed within 60 days from the end of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). There is no change in time limit for MGT-7/7A except extended by MCA.
  7. Format of form MGT-7A mandates list of directors to be attached along with list of shareholders.

Here are the format of MGT-7A & MGT-7 :

Download here format of list of directors to be attached to MGT-7A

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