Latest Stamp Duty Rates for frequently used registrations in Maharashtra

Latest Stamp Duty Rates for frequently used registrations in Maharashtra

Latest stamp duty on partnership firm in Maharashtra 2025
Description of Instrument
Stamp Duty
(Exemption: for use in the Court or Tribunal), as a condition of enrollments under the air force act 1950 or navy Act 1957

w.e.f. 14/10/2024 ₹ 500/-
Earlier it was ₹100
2 Articles of Association of a Company 
On the share capital, thereof subject to a nominal capital or increased share capital (
Exemption  S. 8 companies)
w.e.f. 14/10/2024 ₹ 500/-
0.3% Max Rs 1 crore
Earlier 0.2% subject to a maximum of ₹ 50,00,000
3 Customs / Excise Bond in respect of duties payable/pursuant to Order of any Excise/Customs Officer ₹ 500
4 Divorce w.e.f. 14/10/2024 ₹ 500/-
Earlier it was ₹ 100  
5 A Gift (other than a settlement, will or transfer) Same duty as on conveyance.
♦Provided that, if the property is gifted to a family member being the husband, wife, brother or sister of the donor or any lineal ascendant or descendant of the donor, then the amount of duty, chargeable shall at the rate of 3 percent on the market value of the property which is the subject matter of the gift.
B Gift of residential/agricultural property to spouse, children or grand-children or wife of deceased son
₹ 200
For a term not exceeding 60 months with or without a renewal clause
0.25% of the total sum of followings:
•Licence fees/Rent
•Non-refundable deposit or premium; plus
•Interest @ 10% p.a. on the refundable security deposit or money advanced/to
be advanced
7 Memorandum of Association of a company (Exemption to S. 8 companies)
a)if accompanied with Articles of Association
b)if not so accompanied
Same duty as on Articles of Association under Article 10 ₹ 1,000

0.2% subject to maximum of ₹ 50,00,000
8 Mortgage Deed
A Where possession is given Same duty as on conveyance on the amount secured by the deed
B Where possession is not given [0.1 per cent: of] the amount secured by
such deed, subject to the minimum of one hundred rupees
0.3 per cent: of the amount secured by
such deed, subject to the maximum of 7[twenty lakh rupees];
Provided that, in case of instrument executed in favour of consortium of banks, the duty chargeable shall not exceed fifty lakh rupees.
9 Notary (attestation, etc., by Notary Public) ₹ 25
10 Partnership including an LLP, Joint Venture to run a business, earn profits and to share profits, whether in cash or in kind
(a) No contribution or cash contribution < ₹ 50,000 ₹ 500
(b) Cash Contribution > ₹ 50,000 1% of capital subject to a maximum of ₹ 15,000
w.e.f 14/10/2024 Rs. 50,000/-
(c) Contribution by way of property (not cash) Same as on a conveyance on the market value of property
(d) Dissolution or Retirement
i)Where any property is transferred to a partner other than the one who brought it
ii) In any other case
Same as on a conveyance on the market value subject to a minimum of ₹ 100

₹ 500 (w.e.f. 24-4-2015)
11 Power of Attorney

a.   For sole purpose of registration
b.   For suits in small causes court
c.   For acting in a single transaction to one or more person [other than stated in
d.   For acting in more than one transaction or generally to one person
e.   For acting in one or more transactions or generally to one or more persons
f.    (i) For or without consideration and authorising to sell an immovable property
(ii) For authorising to sell immovable property without consideration and given to parents, siblings, spouse, children, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law and siblings of the spouse
g.    For construction, development, sale etc. to a developer or promoter
h.   In any other case

₹ 500
₹ 500
₹ 500

₹ 500
₹ 500

Same as on a conveyance on the market value


₹ 500 See special points below*

₹ 500

12 Trust
a) Where there is disposition of property
i) For charitable or religious purpose
2% of the sum settled or market value of the property
ii) In any other case where there is disposition of property
Same as on a conveyance on the amount
settled or market value of the property
b) where there is no disposition of property 
In any other case
₹ 500 (Same duty as bond (Article 13)
13 Works Contract for material and labour
involving a transfer of property in goods
A Where the contract value does not exceed ₹ 5 lakh
₹ 500
B Where the contract value exceeds ₹ 05 lakh
₹ 500 + 0.03% of the contract value above
₹ 05 lakhs. 

*Special Points:
1. In case of (f), set off of duty paid will be given on execution of the conveyance
2. Duty payable under (g) will be ₹ 500 only if duty is already paid under Article 5 (g-a) on Development Rights’ Agreement
Access full list of rate schedule @ As modified upto the 01st June 2022

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