Letter of authority to appear before the Registrar of Firms

Format of Letter of Authority to appear before the Registrar of Firms

Letter of authority for partnership firm

When the partners of a firm submit an application for registration through a Chartered Accountant (C.A.), Advocate, or any other third party, they must provide a Letter of Authority. This document confirms that the third party is authorized to act on behalf of the firm in submitting the application and handling related matters. Here is a template for the Letter of Authority that can be used in such cases. ROF Letter of Authority required for all maters before ROF.


We ________________ Partners of M/s [Name & address of firm] do hereby authorize Adv/ CA [Name of representative] to appear, submit, collect, to apply for copies and represent on our behalf before the Registrar of Firms, Mumbai/Pune in connection with registration of our Partnership Firm & completion of related formalities under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
We agrees to ratify all acts done by the [Name of the representative] in pursuance of this authorization.  Their explanations and statements will be binding on us.

This authority shall remain in force till it is duly cancelled by us in writing and intimated to the concerned authorities.

Solemnly affirmed at XXXX(Place) on this XXth day of March 20XX

Name: XXX X XX
Designation: Partner
(Signed by all partners)
I, XXXXXXXXChartered Accountants, holding membership no _______________ of ICAI, do hereby declare that being a Chartered Accountant in practice, accept the aforesaid authority to attend on behalf of the above named firm before Registrar of Firm, Pune/Mumbai.
Place: XXXX 
# ROF Letter of authority

Covering letter for Submission of application with ROF :

[Representative’s Name Letter Head]

The Registrar of Firms
[Registrar’s Office Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Application for Registration of Partnership Firm on Behalf of [Firm’s Name]

Ref: Application No: ________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Representative’s Name], am authorized by the partners of [Firm’s Name] to submit the application for the registration of their partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. Enclosed with this letter, please find the following documents for your kind perusal and necessary action:

    1. Duly filled & Notarised “Form A”.
    2. Online fees paid receipt of Rs ……./-
    3. Certified copy of Partnership Deed duly signed by all partners.
    4. Certified copy of Marathi Translation of the Partnership Deed.
    5. Self-addressed Envelope & Blank stamp paper of Rs….
    6. Proof of identity [PAN Cards] of all partners.
    7. Letter of Authority signed by all partners authorizing me to act on their behalf in submitting this application and handling related matters.

We kindly request you to process the application at the earliest and issue the Certificate of Registration for the partnership firm. Should you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above-mentioned contact details.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

[Representative’s Name]
[Signature of Representative]

You can download latest format of partnership firm covering all aspects of the partnership: Get here

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