MCA E-Forms which are required to be filed between 1st April to 31st July, 2021, can be filed till 31st August, 2021 without levy of additional late fees
In view of the difficulties which have arisen due to resurgence of COVID-19 pandemic, MCA had decided to grant additional time up to 31st July, 2021 for companies/LLPs to file such forms (other than a CHG-1 Form, CHG-4 Form and CHG-9 Form) without any additional fees. Now in continuation to the General Circular 06/2021 dated 03/05/2021 MCA again decided to grant further time up to 31st August 2021 to file such e-forms vide General Circular No 11/2021 dated 30/06/2021 .
Accordingly, no additional fees shall be levied up to 31st August, 2021 for the delayed filing of E-forms (other than charge related forms referred above) which were/would be due for filing during 1st April, 2021 to 31st May, 2021. For such delayed filings up to 31st August, 2021 only normal fees shall be payable.