Format of letterhead as per Companies Act 2013

Nowadays, the word “Compliance” is buzzing across every sector. Compliance requirements may be mandatory or optional, but non-compliance can result in hefty penalties, either monetary or non-monetary. Here, we are discussing non-compliance with Company Law.
Recently, the Registrar of Companies issued hefty penalty orders for non-compliance with simple compliance requirements. For example, in one case, a penalty of Rs. 22,500 was levied simply because the Corporate Identity Number (CIN) was missing on the company letterhead. Below is a summary of the legal requirements and a sample draft of the letterhead for easy reference. You can modify the design, but make sure to maintain the mandatory content. Small and easy things can save your company and directors from penalties.
Download the sample letterhead for a private limited company: Letterhead
Rules Regarding Stationery of a Company (Letterheads, Billheads, etc.)
Section 12(3)
Every company shall—
(a) Paint or affix its name, and the address of its registered office, and keep the same painted or affixed on the outside of every office or place in which its business is carried on, in a conspicuous position, in legible letters, and if the characters employed therefor are not those of the language or of one of the languages in general use in that locality, also in the characters of that language or of one of those languages;
(b) have its name engraved in legible characters on its seal, if any;
(c) get its name, address of its registered office and the Corporate Identity Number along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e-mail and website addresses, if any, printed in all its business letters, billheads, letter papers and in all its notices and other official publications; and
(d) have its name printed on hundies, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and such other documents as may be prescribed:
In case of a ONE PERSON COMPANY i.e. OPC, the words “One Person Company’’ shall be mentioned in brackets below the name of such company, wherever its name is printed, affixed, or engraved.
MCA vide notification dated 18th August 2022, also inserted rule 25B for verification of registered office of the company.
Do You Have a Website for Your Company?
Don’t forget to comply with Rule 26: Publication of name by company.
(1) Every company which has a website for conducting online business or otherwise, shall disclose/publish its name, address of its registered office, the Corporate Identity Number, telephone number, fax number if any, email and the name of the person who may be contacted in case of any queries or grievances on the landing/home page of the said website.
(2) The Central Government may as and when required, notify the other documents on which the name of the company shall be printed.
If you have a website here is the standard disclosure as per rule 26 of Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2016 Dated 27th July, 2016:
Registered Office:
Office No 30, 1st Floor, Kedar, Gaaxaxa Nagxr, Pxxx- 40x XXX MH IN
Working Hours: (Monday to Friday) – 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Fax: +91-33-22880655 (If any)
Corporate Identity Number: L16005WB1910PLC001985
For any queries or grievances, contact Mr. ABC at
Non-Compliance Cost:
If any default is made in complying with the requirements of this section, the company and every officer who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of one thousand rupees for every day during which the default continues but not exceeding one lakh rupees.